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Visit underwater world of Aquaria KLCC
Visit underwater world of Aquaria KLCC
On the concourse level of the KL Convention Centre, Aquaria KLCC is a 464,515sqm aquarium just begging to be explored, with over 150 species of marine life. Some people write it off as a tourist trap, but they are sorely missing out – beyond the gallons of water filled with sea creatures, coral and necklaces ... ...
Nov 09, 2021 , 0
Kuala Lumpur Butterfly Park
Kuala Lumpur Butterfly Park
For a slightly whimsical day out head to Kuala Lumpur Butterfly Park and marvel at the hundreds of different colorful butterflies in residence, over 120 species in fact. The park itself is modeled on a jungle forest experience and features walkways, footpaths, lakes, ponds, and gazebos, and there is an abundance of local flora and ... ...
Aug 05, 2021 , 0
Visit historical of the Sri Maha Mariamman Temple
Visit historical of the Sri Maha Mariamman Temple
Famous for being the oldest Hindu temple in all of Kuala Lumpur having been built in the nineteenth century, Sri Maha Mariamman Temple is well worth a visit for those wanting to learn about the diverse cultures and religions that make up this city. The temple is easily recognizable as you approach as it has ... ...
Aug 05, 2021 , 0

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